Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ITEC 830 - Web Journal #1

What a fun way to begin our class...very much like how an elementary classroom might brainstorm and share ideas to begin a unit.  I gained a lot from listening to others' definitions of what Web 2.0 means.   I've heard about many Web 2.0 tools, but have only used a few.  As tiring as it is for me to take even ONE class each semester while teaching full time, I have always learned so much from the ITEC classes and have been able to immediately put into practice what I learn.  

I am also excited to teach about Web 2.0 to my students this year.  After 4 years in the technology resource position, I'm beginning to feel a bit blah about what I've been teaching.  Sometimes it also seems so overwhelming.  I'll learn some new application to teach about and 20 new ones pop up!  Technology advances so quickly...  Just gotta keep learning!

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